New York Bagel (bey-guh)
/We get it. Your neighborhood has a spot that has the best bagel. Maybe so. But I have to beg to differ. I am fairly positive we have a pretty badass local bagel shop. And it's not only because the owner routinely tells me I "look gorgeous" when I clearly know that is an impossibility as I'm often stumbling into this place early morning after a sleepless night donning old maternity sweats and a vomit-stained tee. Unless he's got a nonconformist niche, I know he's just sweet-talking me. But I will take it...with bells on. OK, lets get back to the food part. Does your bagel place happily set out a dish of hot, fresh bagel bites for daily sampling? And does your place regularly give you and your baby free bananas and cookies just because? Forgot your wallet? No problem. Just come back when you can and pay them later. And because I've already established earlier in this post that I am easily won over, my guy knows I will be coming back. Yes, our spot is *that* great and trust us, we've tried a lot of others. This particular morning Jenson was feeling just a plain mini-bagel with cream cheese. But the guys at Mocha already knew that.
LOCATION: Mocha Bagels, Brooklyn