Lou Malnati's Deep Dish Pizza
/Now that we had somewhat of a handle on New York pizza, it was about time for Jenson to be indoctrinated into the pizza Big Leagues. Welcome to the alter of deep dish pizza...otherwise known as Lou Malnati's. Sadly, Jenson was not with his mom and dad on this day because they were getting their drink on at a Chicago wedding. But he was in capable Chicago hands with his Grandma Colleen, Grandpa Bob and his Auntie Caitlin. His grandpa even has a Ditka-style stache. So yes, this was about as Chicago legit as one could get. They ordered a pepperoni deep dish and a sausage, onion and green pepper thin crust. It was only appropriate on his inaugural deep dish moment, that they order sausage and pepperoni. You're not in Brooklyn anymore my little one. Leave your kale at home.
His auntie said when the pizza arrived at the table, he tried to get out of his high chair because he was overcome with so much excitement. He then proceeded to shovel an entire slice of deep dish into his mouth. Not bad, considering one slice is basically 10 percent of his body weight. He was not as enamored with the thin crust which makes me think his Chicago roots might be at odds with his New York upbringing. We have not had pizza for a while in our household. I figure that time heals everything. Pretty soon he won't remember as clearly the pizza masterpiece set before him in Chicago and will be able to come to terms with the pizza available in his city once again.